Dear fellow YNLA servant leaders,
As we seek to grow together in our faith journey as individuals and together as a church, we have a unique opportunity to host a guest speaker for a 4-week seminar program for our YNLA family.
The primary goal is to begin setting a strong foundation by offering leadership development for servant leaders like yourselves. This 4-week program is for those who are already serving — including pastors, elders, deacons, ministry leaders, small group leaders, and worship leaders — as well as others who desire to use their gifts to serve.
The 4-week program will occur on Saturday mornings at church from 9 am to noon (2 hours of teaching and 1 hour of discussion) with lunch provided afterwards. The first session will be held on March 29 and conclude on April 19.
We strongly encourage you to consider participating in this program. We will also make a church-wide announcement during Sunday worship because we also want to offer this opportunity to all of our members.
Please RSVP BY 3/27 here: